LAS MEDICINAS TRADICIONALES EN LA PAMPA ARGENTINAKeywords: Traditional Medicine , La Pampa , Argentina Abstract: In this article, the author claims that traditional medicines from La Pampa Argentina both laypractitioners and specialists or curanderos with therapeutic rituals, most of them with aCatholic origin. The author considers that some researchers have exaggerated the importanceof native’s knowledge and practice in traditional medicines. First, he analyses the influences ofancient biomedical conceptions for both specialists and lay practitioners, underlying theimportance of humoral medicine. Secondly, he focuses on spell or “healing by word”, thetypical lay’s therapeutic ritual, taking into account the meaning level. Finally, he explores thecurandero’s therapeutic ritual, distinguishing the techniques used for a few illnesses whichconsider generalized ritual procedures. The author constantly points out that therapeuticpractices and awareness, as well as etiological theories of illness are integrated in a Spanishand European rooted world-view.