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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Naturalezas discursivas en espacios protegidos.

Keywords: Protected areas , discursive nature , environmental representations , legitimacy , discursive

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Local populations in protected areas often contest the implementation of environmentalconservation policies in their lands. This phenomenon often leads to conflictbetween different stakeholders, who activate discourses to legitimate their differentpositions on environmental protection and conservation. In this process, ‘nature’ becomesa key concept. This paper aims to analyze not only the discursive constructionof nature, but also the connections between different ways to understand nature andcreate community discourses. For this purpose, the paper will be focus on a particularcase study: the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Nature Park in Andalusia, Spain.


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