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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Hawking Radiation-A Augmentation Attrition Model

DOI: 10.3968/j.ans.1715787020120502.1817

Keywords: Hawking Radiation , Black Body , Fundamental Forces , Energy , Mass , Matter , Antimatter , Black Hole , Governing Equations

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A system of Hawking radiation that dissipates the energy and mass of black hole is investigated. With the methodology reinforced with the explanations, we write the governing equations with the nomenclature for the system of matter antimatter and concatenate those equations with that of energy and mass of Black hole and Hawking radiation, such concatenation process, ipso facto fait accompli, following the same processual formalities for solvability. Key words: Hawking Radiation; Black Body; Fundamental Forces; Energy; Mass; Matter; Antimatter; Black Hole; Governing Equations


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