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Stabilization of a Kind of Nonlinear Discrete Singular Large-Scale Control Systems

DOI: 10.3968/j.ans.1715787020120502.1180

Keywords: Nonlinear discrete singular large-scale system , Control system , Asymptotical stability , Stabilization , State feedback

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This paper studies the state feedback stabilization of a kind of nonlinear discrete singular large-scale control systems by using Lyapunov matrix equation, generalized Lyapunov function method and matrix theory. There gives some sufficient conditions for determining the asymptotical stability and instability of the corresponding singular closed-loop large-scale systems while the subsystems are regular, causal and R-controllable. At last, an example is given to show the application of main result. Key words: Nonlinear discrete singular large-scale system; Control system; Asymptotical stability; Stabilization; State feedback


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