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An Assessment of Some Environmental Effects of Squatter Settlement in Dutse Alhaji, Bwari Area Council, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria

DOI: 10.3968/j.ans.1715787020120501.1029

Keywords: Squatter Settlement , Environmental problems , Environmental Effects

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Environment and human activities are omen to development. Bwari Area Council in FCT is one of the areas that require such development drive. The study is required to facilitate this need. This research effort is to examine the environmental effect of squatter settlement in Dutse Alhaji, Bwari Area Council. In view of the above, necessary procedures were selected to accomplish this. Approach includes the development of database and choice of appropriate data sources (primary and secondary data sources). From the methodology, there were questionnaire administration, direct interview of respondents, collection and updating of the base maps, and the use of necessary field instrument for the study. The data gathered were analysed using the descriptive method. These entail the application rank scores to percentage distribution of variables, revealing quality of basic characteristics of the squatter settlement. The end result has revealed a number of environmental problems due to the existence of these settlements (Dutse Alhaji). These problems are soil erosion, gully erosion, poor drainage system, forestation, traffic congestion, noise pollution, illegal refuse dump sites, slum situations, etc. Appropriate recommendations in form of short time and long time solution were suggested to conclude the research work. Key words:Squatter Settlement; Environmental problems; Environmental Effects


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