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Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) as a Tool for Innovation

DOI: 10.3968/j.ans.1715787020120502.1804

Keywords: Electronic resource , Information , Communication technologies , Innovation

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The impact of information and communication technologies in bringing about a profound transformation in all aspects of national life in the world over does not need to be over stressed anymore. Information and communication technologies heralds a fundamental change in the dissemination of information with regard to among other things, economic, business and education. Ultimately, this paper attempts to give an overview of current initiatives around ICTs, and university development through a review of available literature. The overview will be followed by a selection of case studies of Ajayi Crowther University, documenting initiatives where ICT plays a prominent role and suggestions for further research and projects to inspire discussion for future research programme. This is part of a process to develop research programme exploring ICT innovations in, and the consequences of their possible application to university development. ICTs and university development are extensive fields, and it is not possible to address all aspects in this paper but only what has been found to be of greatest current importance. When applying ICT to university development, it has been found that the most important challenges that institutions are currently facing are the responsibilities that have been transferred to them through recent decentralization. In this paper this aspect will thus be deliberately focused upon along with the ICTs that are of most relevant to these institutions meeting their new responsibilities. Key word: Electronic resource; Information; Communication technologies; Innovation


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