Mobile phone exposure during pregnancy disrupts learning and memory in rat offspringsKeywords: Mobile phone , Pregnancy , Learning and memory , offspring , Rat Abstract: Introduction: Mobile phones create high-frequency electromagnetic fields around them when in use. The close proximity of mobile phones to the user’s head leads to the absorption of part of the electromagnetic waves into the head and the brain. Methods: We have elucidated the alteration in cognitive function of the male and female offspring rats, which were exposed to chronic mobile phone exposure during their gestational period using Shuttle box and Morris Water Maze (~20 days). Results: The results of the passive avoidance and Morris Water Maze assessment of learning and memory performance showed a decrease in learning and memory in rats exposed to mobile phone. Exposure to EMF increased the shock number (Shuttle box test) and distance (Morris Water Maze test) compared to control groups (P<0.05). When the testing was performed 1 and 7 days after the shock experience (28-30 days post- mobile phone exposure), the step-through latency was significantly decreased in male and female mobile phone-exposed rats compared to the control rats (P<0.01). Results from the probe test were measured as mean percentage [%] time spent in correct quadrant showed that mobile phone exposure significantly decreased the percent time spent in the correct quadrant compared to control (p<0.05). Conclusion: Our results suggest that, mobile phone is able to induce a serious disruption in learning and memory and these observed deficits would suggest that we should limit the usage of these instruments during pregnancy.