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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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The effect of Co-administrtion of Ascorbic acid and Bromocriptine in nucleus accumbens shell on locomotor activity in male rats by Open Field Test

Keywords: Ascorbic acid , Nucleus accumbens shell , Bromocriptine , Locomotor activity

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Background: Ascorbic acid (AA) as a vitamin and neuromodulator is present in the most part of CNS such as nucleus accumbens shell (Acbsh), so the main purpose of this investigation was to evaluated the effect of AA and their Co-administration in Acbsh on anxiety and motor activity of rat by Open Field Test(OFT). Methods: Forty nine adult male Wistar rats (220-270 g) were used into 7 groups: control (intact), sham AA (injected normal salin as AA vehicle), 3 groups of AA (12,24 and 48 μg/rat/side), AA plus Br (24 and 25 μg/rat/side), sham AA plus Br. Drugs were injected (volum= 1μl) for one-day period , locomotor activity and anxiety behavior were assessed. Results: The result showed that; Intra-accumbance injection of AA (12, 24 and 48 μg/rat/side) increased locomotor activity and decreased anxiety. Co-administration of AA and Br, showed AA could attenuate the effect of Br. Conclusion: Our findings confirm the role of AA as an effective factor in locomotor activity and anxiety regulation in NAcS.


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