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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Preliminary data on the biometry and the diet of a microinsular population of Podarcis wagleriana (Reptilia: Lacertidae)

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The results of some investigations on the Podarcis wagleriana population of La Scuola Islet (Stagnone Lagoon Archipelago, W Sicily) are here presented. Adult mean SVL was 69.5 mm and 61.6 mm for males and females respectively. The analysis of faecal pellets showed that the most important prey types were Formicidae (32%), Coleoptera (15%), and other Hymenoptera (13%). The proportion of vegetal matter (occurring in 35% of the examined pellets) was higher than in Sicilian populations, suggesting that plant consumption in this micro-insular environment may play a more significant role in the diet of the species.


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