Graphic Design in Jo e Ple nik’s Fairytales MakaloncaKeywords: Cultural Heritage , Graphic Design , Jo e Ple nik , Typography Abstract: This paper focuses on a small fairytale book Makalonca, which was completelydesigned by Jo e Ple nik.The Slovenian architecture by Jo e Ple nik (1872–1957) is well known in Europe,while his work in the area of graphic design and typography is less known. Duringthe Second World War, he made all the decorations, vignettes and initial letters forthe fairytales, and elaborated graphic design for the book published in two differentbindings – hardcover and paperback. Two paperback reprints were subsequentlypublished as well. In both reprints it was stressed that the graphic design remainedthe same as done by Ple nik. Instead, both reprints are actually deformations of theoriginal. As a consequence, the Slovenian cultural heritage has lost a great deal.