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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Hardware-in-the-loop of Simulation for a Hydraulic Antilock Brake System

Keywords: Hardware-in-the-loop , Simulink , ABS , Hydraulic

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Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) of simulation policy is used as a rapid and economical tool for developing automotive systems effectively and for dangerous situations tests such as extreme road conditions or high travelling speeds. A method for building a HIL of simulation a hydraulic Antilock Braking System (ABS) based on MATLAB/Simulink is presented in this paper. The system is implemented for research purposes as well as for the application in educational process. It can help the user heightening the efficiency when developing the electronic device. Also, the system can be used as teaching demo software. Experiment tests of HIL scheme were carried to ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of the system.


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