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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Some Useful Lessons from Richard Rorty’s Political Philosophy for Philippine Postcolonialism

Keywords: Philippine postcolonial discourse , neo-pragmatism , Richard Rorty

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In this this paper, I will attempt to extract some insights from Rorty’s neo-pragmatic political philosophy with the aim of enriching and fortifying our local postcolonial projects by giving justice to their agenda and methods, critiquing their current status, and providing them a clearer sense of direction and vision. As a preliminary step in order to accomplish this core task this paper would take a look at three things: 1) the main tenets of Rorty’s political philosophy; 2) the highlights of Philippine post-colonial researches and theorizations; and 3) the epistemological, political, directional and modal difficulties encountered by these local post-colonial projects.


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