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Archeology and Humanism: An Incongruent Foucault

Keywords: Michel Foucault , Humanism , Anti-humanism

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Atension exists in Foucault’s writings concerning his alleged antihumanism. While his early archaeological period is taken to sediment his post-structuralist, anti-humanist methodology, Foucault still lets humanism creep into his writing, particularly in his later work. In the spirit of charity, I consider two ways of reading Foucault to overcome this tension: either (1) emphasize his post-structuralism over his humanist leanings or (2) take his humanism seriously and minimize his post-structuralism. After analysis, neither reading is adequate. I conclude that Foucault’s oeuvre is best understood simply as incongruent, contrary to his own remarks to unify his writings and methodologies.


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