Bezbednosni Dijalozi 2010
СОВРЕМЕНИ ОБЛИЦИ НА ЛЕГИТИМАЦИ А НА ВО НАТАKeywords: legitimacy , just war theory , self-defence , preemptive war , war on terrorism , interventions , democratic wars. Abstract: n spite of the conventional wisdom that the wars have been widely replaced by intra-state conflicts when it comes to their frequency and the death-toll, the latest surveys and the empirical data demonstrate a different picture. War remains a highly relevant form of use of force in the international relations, while the only novelty is the new ways of its legitimization. In this context, this paper aims at their identification and deconstruction, as well as clarifying of the justification of the new ways of waging wars via use of new rhetoric for the old substance and the so-called ethical foreign policy. Legality of use of force thus becomes one of the collateral damages, so the international law faces a real risk of overall marginalization.Key words: legitimacy, just war theory, self-defence, preemptive war, war on terrorism, interventions, democratic wars