Bezbednosni Dijalozi 2011
A CRITICAL SURVEY OF POLITICAL ECONOMIES OF PEACE AND CONFLICTKeywords: liberal peacebuilding , statebuilding , neoliberalism , post-conflict economies , casino capitalism , Balkans , IMF. Abstract: This article is a contribution to the critique of political economies of peace and conflict. Its contentions are threefold: that liberal peacebuilding is in crisis, that the neoclassical paradigm for economic recovery from conflict has rubbed salt into war wounds, and that external intervention to cure strangers of their strangeness has produced hybrid forms of peace. The article traces a dynamic shift in scholarship dealing with post-conflict reconstruction that embraces a range of disciplines, particularly post-colonial studies. Froman international relations perspective the shift has enriched academic studies with a new emphasis on the importance of local agency and everyday life.