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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
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Keywords: globalization , normative order , cosmopolitism , human rights , humanitarian interventions , neoliberalism , democracy.

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Following the end of the Cold war, a period of rule breaking and rule making” has emerged. Its nature is contradictory, exlusionary, based on the power division. The powerfull are rule makers, determining the scope of their relevancy(self-exclusion) and the form of implementation. The justification, given for the rule breaking and rule making” is the moral imperativ and the vacuum created by limited relevance of the state-centric international law that can not address the problems that have come about as the result of the transformation of sovereignty, emergence of new non-state actors in the era of globalization. However, what is emerging is not a new normative order. The dramatic inequalities of states and their sovereign powers are perpetuated, the criteria of arbitrariness in the use of force is extended and the notion of protecting human rights is instrumentalized for geopolitical interests. In orderfor moral dependency” to become a force of cosmopolitism, coherent critical reflection is required, as well as systematic and uwavering efforts invested into the strengthening of democracy and rule of law at the global level, decisive affirmation of the spirit of cooperation and non-violent conflict resolution and the development of effective instruments of transcending the new exclusionary practices generated by the old/new world.


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