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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Exploring Cloud Computing Services and Applications

Keywords: .Cloud Computing , ERP , e-learning , e-government , Service-Oriented Architecture , Pay-Per-Use , SaaS , PaaS , IaaS

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Cloud computing environment provides a great flexibility and availability of computing resources at a lower cost. This emerging technology opens a new era of e-services in different disciplines. In this paper, we explore cloud computing services and applications, we give examples for cloud services provided by the most common Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, HP, and Sales force and we present innovative applications for cloud computing in e-learning, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and e-governance. Our study helps individuals and organizations understand how cloud computing can provide them with customized, reliable and cost-effective services in a wide variety of applications.


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