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岩石学报  2011 

Geochemical characteristics for trace element of mineral in eclogite inclusions separated out of Mesozoic intrusive complex from southeastern margin of North China Block and its significances.

Keywords: Mineral,Trace element,Geochemical,Eclogite inclusions,Xuzhou-Huaibei area,North China Block

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The test results of minerals in eclogite inclusions separated out of Mesozoic intrusive complex from southeastern margin of North China indicate that the distribution of element between minerals in eclogite inclusions got up to chemical equilibrium at eclogite facies metamorphic stage. The major element components, such as Al, Fe and Mn in garnet;Na, Mg and Ca in clinopyroxenes;Na, Mg and Fe in amphiboles, appear strong positive correlation with its total rock and restricted by the composition of its total rock. Garnets are markedly enriched with HREE, and depleted LREE, whereas clinopyroxene are relatively enriched with LREE and MREE, and depleted HREE. The content of LREE and HREE in garnets and clinopyroxenes emerge complementary relation with mutual growth and decline. Garnets enriched with Y, while clinopyroxenes enriched with Sr, both have higher Ga and transition group element(Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Co, etc.), respectively, and controled by the composition of its total rock. Rutiles have anything of REE and lowest Rb, Sr and Ba, while have higher Fe, Al, Mg, Ca, Mn, Nb, Ta, Cr and Zr, and the components of some trace elements(e.g. Nb, Cr, Fe, V, W, etc.)inherited the original matter which dominant are mafic rock. Some protogene amphiboles are similar clinopyroxenes and retrogressive amphiboles are similar garnets on chondrite-nomalized REE patterns. Transition group element content in amphiboles are interdependency with garnets, clinopyroxenes and total rock. The amphiboles have better capability for admission with Na, K, Sr, Rb, Ba, etc, and its content influence by garnets, clinopyroxenes and total rock. Some high electrovalency element or/and high field strength element and HREE emerge the decrease and increase between eclogite inclusions and its host Mesozoic intrusive complex. The eclogite could be resulted from the subduction-collision action between the Yangtze Block and the North China Block.


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