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ISSN: 2333-9721
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岩石学报  2012 

Study on Re-Os isotope in molybdenite containing common Os

Keywords: Molybdenite,Re-Os isotopic system,Dating,Common Os

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A number of statistics indicate that high content common Os universally occur in the molybdenite which is different from the previous study results. The common Os may occur in molybdenite as substitution atoms, therefore the molybdenite containing high content common Os has possibility in principle. Many analysis results demonstrate that high content common Os in the molybdenite may significantly affects the Re-Os model age. For most of molybdenite, the influence of common Os on the Re-Os model age cannot be ignored in case of OsCommon /187Os Total<20, and the Re-Os model age should be calculated based on the method given in the paper rather than directly using the decay formula. 187Os/188Os-187Re/188Os isochron is made to obtain the initial187Os/188Os value, then the non-radiogenic 187Os in total Os is obtained according to the initial 187Os/188Os value and single sample common Os content. Model age is got according to the Re content and radiogenic 187Os content finally.


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