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岩石学报  2011 

Caledonian diagenetic and metallogenic events in Datong district in the western Kunlun: Evidences from LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and molybdenite Re-Os dating

Keywords: LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating,Molybdenite Re-Os dating,Caledonian diagenetic and metallogenic events,Busilajin Cu-Mo deposit,Datong district in western Kunlun Mountains

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Datong district in the western Kunlun have discovered a series of related with intrusive rocks the Cu-Mo occurrences and mineralized spots. Busilajin Cu-Mo occurrence is the new found magmatic hydrothermal vein-type Cu-Mo deposit in Datong district. With LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating to ore-bearing biotitic adamellite and graniteaplite in Busilajin, diagenetic ages are 446Ma and 449Ma respectively. Using molybdenite Re-Os dating in it, metallogenic age is 435±25Ma. It was shown that metallogenesis is later than diagenesis. The Busilajin Cu-Mo deposit is a product from structural and magmatic activities in Middle Caledonian, whose metallogenic material came from mixture of crust and mantle. Metallogenesis is related with complex evolution of paleo-Asia structural domain and Tethys structural domain. This large scale mineralization in Middle Caledonian may derive from strong magmatic activities and metallogenesis under local extended settings after accretionary orogenesis and crust thichening in the western Kunlun.


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