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Synthesis, Characterizations and Biological Screening of Tetrahydro-Quinazoline Analogues

DOI: 10.5923/j.ajoc.20120205.03

Keywords: Tetrahydro-Quinazoline, Antibacterial Activity, Isophorone

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Quinazoline and their fused-ring systems are well known for their potential biological activity. In the present study a new Tetrahydro-quinazoline analogues (MB I-V) were synthesized. The newly synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, NMR and C, H, N, S analyses. All newly synthesized compounds were screened for their antibacterial (Pseudomonas aurigenosa Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli) studies. The results revealed that all synthesized compounds have a significant biological activity against the tested microorganisms.


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