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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Self-Similar Cylindrical Ionizing Shock Waves in a Non-Ideal Gas with Radiation Heat-Flux

DOI: 10.5923/

Keywords: IonizingShock Wave, Non-Ideal Gas, Spatially Variable Magnetic Field, Similarity Solutions, Radiation Heat-Flux

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Self-similar flows behind a gas-ionizing cylindrical shock wave, with radiation heat flux, in a non-ideal gas are studied. The ionizing shock is assumed to be propagating in a medium at rest with constant density permeated by an azimuthal magnetic field. The electrical conductivity of the gas is infinite behind shock and zero ahead of it. Effects of the non-idealness of the gas, the radiation flux and the rate of energy input from the inner contact surface (or piston) on the flow-field behind the shock and on the shock propagation are investigated.


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