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Simultaneous Effects of Control Measures on the Transmission Dynamics of Chikungunya Disease

DOI: 10.5923/

Keywords: Chikungunya Disease, Epidemic Model, Control Reproductive Number, Stability, Disease Free Equilibrium Point, Endemic Equilibrium Point

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Chikungunya is a vector borne communicable disease which is transmitted in human population through the bite of an infected Aedes-Aegeypti mosquito. In order to study the spread of Chikungunya disease a model has been proposed and analyzed in this paper. In the proposed model the human population and the mosquito population have been divided into three and two classes respectively. For controlling the disease, vector control measures such as, reduction in the breeding of vector population, killing of mosquitoes and isolation of infected humans have been also taken in to account in the model. Linear and non-linear stability analysis of the model has been carried out. From the analysis we have derived a threshold condition involving control reproductive number, and we have found that the disease free equilibrium point is locally asymptotically stable whenand unstable when.We have also proved that a unique endemic equilibrium point exists and is locally asymptotically stable when. Thus, we have concluded from the analysis of the model that the disease will either die out or will remain endemic depending on the value of control reproductive number. This study will assist the health department in controlling the spread of Chikungunya disease by introducing the control measures such as increasing the awareness in the society, killing of mosquitoes and isolating the infected individuals.


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