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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Squeeze Film Based on Ferrofluid in Curved Porous Circular Plates with Various Porous Structure

DOI: 10.5923/

Keywords: Ferrofluid, Squeeze Film, Porous, Circular Plates, Lubrication

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This paper theoretically studied the effects of various porous structure on the action of the squeeze film formed when a curved upper plate with porous facing approached an impermeable and flat lower plate using ferrofluid as lubricant. Two porous structures given by Kozeny - Carman( a globular sphere model ) and Irmay ( a capillary fissures model ) are considered for the study. Expressions are obtained for pressure and load capacity under an external magnetic field oblique the lower plate. It is found that the load capacity is increased in both the cases with the increase of magnetization. It is also found that the load capacity increased substantially in the case of concave plates and in the case of porous structure given by Kozeny - Carman. The load capacity is more for the porous structure given by Kozeny – Carman.


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