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ISSN: 2333-9721
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A Salt-Threshold Required for Exacerbating Insulin Resistance in Dahl Salt-Sensitive (S) Rats

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The Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rat is a model of genetically determined salt-sensitivity and insulin resistance. In fact, insulin resistance is an inherited genetic trait that precedes and eventually co-exists with salt-sensitive hypertension in Dahl S, but not salt-resistant (R) Dahl rats. Owing to the critical role of salt in accelerating and exacerbating hypertension in Dahl S rats, researchers have investigated the role of salt in enhancing and/or sustaining insulin resistance in Dahl S rats. Conflicting data in the literature are available regarding the role of salt in insulin resistance in Dahl S rats. Therefore, this commentary is meant to address in depth some of the possible and relevant interpretations to some of the major findings published in the field of dietary salt contribution to insulin resistance. A conclusion has been drawn to provide a possible salt-threshold that is required for exacerbating insulin resistance in Dahl S rats.


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