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Effects of an adapted physical activity program on the physical condition of elderly women: an analysis of efficiency

DOI: 10.1590/S1413-35552012005000025

Keywords: physical therapy, physical activity, elderly, women, efficiency.

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background: specific research tools and designs can assist in identifying the efficiency of physical activity in elderly women. objectives: to identify the effects of physical activity on the physical condition of older women. methods: a one-year-long physical activity program (123 sessions) was implemented for women aged 60 years or older. four physical assessments were conducted, in which weight, height, bmi, blood pressure, heart rate, absences, grip strength, flexibility, vo2max, and static and dynamic balance were assessed. the statistical analyses included a repeated measures analysis, both inferential (analysis of variance - anova) and effect size (cohen's d coefficient), as well as identification of the participants' efficiency (data envelopment analysis - dea). results: despite the observation of differences that depended on the analysis used, the results were successful in the sense that they showed that physical activity adapted to older women can effectively change the decline in physical ability associated with aging, depending on the purpose of the study. the 60-65 yrs group was the most capable of converting physical activity into health benefits in both the short and long term. the >65 yrs group took less advantage of physical activity. conclusion: adherence to the program and actual time spent on each type of exercise are the factors that determine which population can benefit from physical activity programs. the dea allows the assessment of the results related to time spent on physical activity in terms of health concerns.


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