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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721

预印 - OALib 预印本无需同行审议

The effect of compost produced from pistachio and rice wastes on micronutrients and physiological parameters of Epipremnum aureum in greenhouse condition

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.preprints.1200039, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Plant Science, Agricultural Science

Keywords: Pistachio hull, Rice husk, Media

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This experiment was carried to evaluate the effects of pistachio hull and rice husk compost, as culture medium, on Chlorophyll contents, Phenol, Carotenoide and micronutrients of Scindapsus aureus (Scindapsus aureus) plants.  Rooted cuttings were used as plant materials and cultured in pots (40×30cm) filled with the following media: S1= 50% leaf mould 50% Soil (control), S2 = 100% rice husk, S3 = 70% rice husk 30% pistachio hull, S4: 50% rice husk 50% pistachio hull, S5= 30% rice husk 70% pistachio hull and S6 = 100% pistachio hull. Our data showed that all measured parameters decreased when pistachio hull was greater than 50%, so that the Fv/Fm and Ch a was increased using pistachio hull rate up to 50% and decreased in S5 (30% rice husk 70% pistachio hull). The Zn and Mn concentration of root was increased using pistachio hull rate up to 50%. Application of rice husk in combination with pistachio hull, improved growth of plants. The best vegetative parameters obtained with S4 and S2.

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Karimi, H. R. (2014). The effect of compost produced from pistachio and rice wastes on micronutrients and physiological parameters of Epipremnum aureum in greenhouse condition. Open Access Library PrePrints, 1, e039. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.preprints.1200039.


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