DYNA 2012
REMUESTREO ESTRUCTURADO DE CONTORNOS DE HUECOS EN SUPERFICIES 3D DE OBJETOS DE FORMA LIBRE UTILIZANDO BRESENHAMKeywords: computer vision, computer graphics, tridimensional reconstruction, hole filling. Abstract: integration stage in the process of three-dimensional reconstruction of free-form objects requires the description, analysis and correction of holes in 3d surfaces. some quantitative assessments in this issue involve having data regularly spaced or contained in structures to ensure that property, for example, voxels, octrees or structured grids. achieving this requires a re-sampling of points that make up the contour of the hole in 3d surface. this paper describes a method to obtain structured sets of points from contour data of holes in free-form objects. the method begins with fitting a nurbs curve to the initial set of points in order to ensure the smoothness of the contour, thus obtaining an adjusted set of points. finally, it is used the bresenham discretization algorithm to obtain the set of structured points. results show that the developed method ensures that the final set of structured points preserve original contour shape with high levels of detail.