DYNA 2012
LAS MáQUINAS DE VAPOR EN LA OBTENCIóN DEL AZúCAR DE CA?A EN ESPA?A: ANáLISIS COMPARATIVOKeywords: sugarcane, steam engines, industrial archaeology, fives-lille, mirrlees-watson. Abstract: this paper presents a research of the history of the technology applied used for the production of sugarcane, making a comparative analysis of the main steam engines widespread in spain, were of scottish technology mirrlees-watson and french technology fives lille. it has been briefly outlined the process for obtaining sugarcane, and also a brief description of the main features of both in its similarity to finish exposing a comparative analysis in terms of power by analytical and graphical methods (dynamic power diagram ). as a result of this study, the superiority of the mirrlees-watson engine in front of the fives-lille in total to the power has been exposed.