Angiotomografía computarizada multidetector: una nueva era en la evaluación de tromboembolia pulmonarKeywords: pulmonary embolism, multidetector computed tomography, mexico. Abstract: pulmonary embolism is a major cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality. it is a common cause of cardiovascular care, second only to ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular events, with a prevalence of 3 to 15%, and its diagnosis remains crucial in the early hours of symptom onset. given its clinical variability, it has become a diagnostic challenge in the emergency rooms, thus a fast and accurate paraclinical evaluation is needed. the aim of the present manuscript is to review the current role of imaging methods, in particular multidetector computed tomography, their advantages and limitations and the imaging findings of acute or chronic pulmonary thromboembolism. finally, diagnostic algorithms based on the thoracic fleischner society and the group of pioped ii study investigators, are shown.