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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Innovar  2012 

Modelación de la difusión tecnológica intrasectorial: el caso de las estaciones de servicio de gnv en el valle de aburrá

Keywords: technological dissemination, key factors of the dissemination process, vehicular natural gas, adoption of innovation, bass model.

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the aim of this research work is to study the technological dissemination process in the vehicular natural gas service stations market in the valle de aburrá, its evolution and projection, and to identify and evaluate the factors that facilitate that process. the innovative dynamic of the local markets is identified through technological dissemination as a way of tracing innovation flows and technological changes that arise within an industry or between industries. using the nonlinear minimum square method, the parameters posed by the technological dissemination models of bass and mansfield were estimated; their results are supplemented with the design and application of an instrument to identify and evaluate the factors that influenced the process of dissemination of innovation within the sector. the research findings show the importance of both external and internal factors within the dissemination process, while leading to the conclusion that the entrepreneurs belonging to be analyzed sector behave more like followers than innovators when assuming risks involved in adopting new technologies.


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