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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Innovar  2012 

Gestión eficiente del tiempo de los universitarios: evidencias para estudiantes de primer curso de la Universidad de Zaragoza

Keywords: time use data, higher education, time management, time use.

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this study analyzes the performance in the skill of time management among university students. acquisition of that skill is important because time management plays an instrumental role that is also appreciated in the professional realm. that is because it conceives of efficient time management as a tool for increasing productivity, while also understanding it as the optimization of the use of time as a resource for obtaining maximum performance. to determine efficient performance in that skill, students' time use is analyzed along with its distribution during the twomonth period, in addition to the level of time exploitation and aspirations. particular emphasis is placed on studying the students' time distribution and level of use of time dedicated to study, both in the classroom as well as outside, to determine whether they do so efficiently and in accordance with their aspirations. regarding the results obtained, the students who achieve the highest grade are those who invest more of their time studying throughout the period as well as those who increase their study time prior to the exam.


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