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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Innovar  2011 

Rentabilidades anormales y estrategias de inversión en periodos de crisis: el caso espa?ol

Keywords: crisis, stock market shocks, abnormal profitability, investment strategies.

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the periods of crisis that have recently occurred in the stock markets have led to ever greater interest in analyzing the behavior of those markets following such periods, and thereby determining what type of strategies should be used to obtain greater profitability. based on the analysis of abnormal profitability following stock market shocks that have occurred in the reference indexes of large, medium-sized and small companies of the spanish market, this work shows that the best strategy in general terms following a stock market shock is to go short, and that the best results in terms of extraordinary profitability are obtained from investing in medium-sized and small companies.


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