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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Innovar  2011 

La lealtad del consumidor en el sector financiero

Keywords: loyalty, satisfaction, perceived value, financial services.

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taking into account how costly it is to maintain customer loyalty programs, there is a need to find out which aspects of a company's service are truly valued by customers in order to put greater efforts into them and thereby strengthen them. framed within the trend towards one-to-one marketing, the objective of this work is to study the process of creating loyalty on the part of consumers in the realm of services. to do so, a theoretical model based on social psychology (fishbein and ajzen, 1975) is used with the aim of achieving greater understanding of the psychological processes that lead an individual to go back and purchase from the same supplier. 200 personal surveys were carried out among clients of financial entities and structural equation models were used to compare the results obtained. the contribution of this work is to propose a model for the behavior of customer loyalty in which it is possible to identify the elements of the judgments used by customers and which will result in loyal behavior on their part. the proposed model will help to identify the cognitive as well as emotional aspects that are decisive for consumers. the cognitive aspects have turned out to be crucial when determining the customer's final loyalty. however, the emotional aspects and social repercussion have also been shown to be greatly valued by the final consumer.


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