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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Innovar  2012 

Factores determinantes del éxito para entender la imagen de un alojamiento turístico: Un estudio empírico en islas Canarias

Keywords: image, accommodation, image formation process, tourism.

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a tourist accommodation's image of is crucial for success in the market. however, until now no attention has been placed on analysis of the image of non-traditional tourist accommodations (such as apartments, condominiums, villas, bungalows etc.), despite their importance in latin america and spain. the goal of this study is to better understand the image of non-hotel establishments, identifying their different dimensions and analyzing their importance in order to explain these types of accommodations' overall image. the study also analyzes the tourist's image formation process, evaluating how the customer's personal characteristics and those of the accommodation influence the image of the tourist accommodation. the study concludes with practical and academic implications of the findings.


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