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ISSN: 2333-9721
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The impact of topographical characteristics and land use change on the quality of Umbaniun micro-watershed water resources, Meghalaya

Keywords: geomorphology, land-use system, umbaniun micro-watershed, water quality, water quantity.

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a watershed is a geohydrological unit draining at a common point. such natural unit has evolved through rain water interaction with land mass, typically comprising arable land, non-arable land and natural drainage lines in rain-fed areas. sustainable production depends on the health, vitality and purity of a particular environment in which land and water are important constituents. a pilot study was thus undertaken to study the geomorphology, land-use systems and their impact on water resource management on the meghalaya umbaniun micro-watershed. in this micro-watershed (3951.18 ha), water body covers an area of 5.69ha (0.14%). the paper highlights the linkage between geomorphology, land use systems and its impact on quality of water resources on the umbaniun micro-watershed, meghalaya. topographical and physical-chemical characteristics, such as ph, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and water temperature, were used as environmental degradation indicators


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