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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Obtaining superfine ethanol in a Cuban distillery

Keywords: superfine ethanol, molasses, profitability.

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this paper describes obtaining superfine ethanol in a cuban distillery from molasses as base raw material. the operational characteristics of the main stages for obtaining superfine alcohol have been described, emphasising alcohol fermentation due to its complexity in achieving process continuity; a gantt chart led to determining a 31-hour process time and 5-hour cycle time. the influence of fermentation yield on process profitability was determined through mass and energy balances, demonstrating that a 4ogl degree of alcohol was feasible. the main water-consuming elements were also determined (98% in molasses dilution) as well as steam consumption (91% during distillation). a preliminary analysis was made of the opportunities provided by material and energy integration, mainly for distillation, contributing towards a positive environmental impact.


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