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ISSN: 2333-9721
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The mechanical design of a transfemoral prosthesis using computational tools and design methodology

Keywords: design, transfemoral prosthesis, finite element, design methodology.

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artificial limb replacement with lower limb prostheses has been widely reported in current scientific literature. there are many lower limb prosthetic designs ranging from a single-axis knee mechanism to complex mechanisms involving microcontrollers, made from many materials ranging from lightweight, high specific strength ones (e.g., carbon fibre) to traditional forms (e.g., stainless steel). however, the challenge is to design prostheses whose movement resembles the human body's natural movement as closely as possible. advances in prosthetics have enabled many amputees to return to their everyday activities; however, such prostheses are expensive, some costing as much as $60,000. many of the affected population in colombia have scarce economic resources; there is therefore a need to develop affordable functional prostheses. the universidad del norte's materials, processes and design research group and the robotics and intelligent systems group have been working on this line of research to develop modular prostheses which can be adjusted to each patient's requirements. this research represents an initial methodological approach to developing a prosthesis in which software tools have been used (the finite element method) with a criteria relationship matrix for selecting the best alternative while considering different aspects such as modularity, cost, stiffness and weight.


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