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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Manoeuvre test simulation of a teleoperated robot designed for flow measurement in natural water bodies

Keywords: teleoperated-aquatic-robot, simulation, mathematical-model, ship-manoeuvre, pwm-function.

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this article describes the simulation results of manoeuvring operations used in ships, but applied to an sa-1 teleoperated aquatic robot. the sa-1 is a type of robot designed for flow measurement in natural water bodies (rivers, lakes). a robot's dynamic stability and course stability must be guaranteed due to the different tasks assigned to it. these features can be demonstrated through the pull-out manoeuvre, the dieudonné spiral manoeuvre, modified kempf manoeuvre and turning circle manoeuvre. system behaviour when using such manoeuvres can be used to propose a better control system for improving robot performance or modify system design.


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