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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Experimental assessment of damping factors in concrete housing walls

Keywords: concrete wall, vibration period, damping factor, dynamic transfer function, shake table test.

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thin walls having low concrete strength, minimum web steel ratios and web shear reinforcement made of welded wire meshes are commonly used in low-rise concrete housing. the damping factor commonly used for code-based dynamic analysis was evaluated based on seismic response measured during shake table tests of six low-rise concrete walls. the variables studied were the type of concrete (normal and lightweight), the web steel shear ratio (0.125% and 0.25%), the type of web shear reinforcement (deformed bars and welded wire meshes) and the effect of openings (doors and windows). dynamic properties were evaluated considering the advantages of frequency-domain system identification, using the dynamic transfer function amplitude fitting method. the effect of failure mode on damping factor is discussed. an equation for estimating damping associated with a particular vibration period value is also proposed. it was observed that a 5% damping factor (assumed for dynamic analysis of concrete housing in the range of lineal elastic behaviour) was consistent with the values measured here.


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