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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Diferencias hidrológicas anuales y estacionales en regiones adyacentes: estudio de las subcuencas de los ríos Virilla y Grande de San Ramón, Costa Rica

Keywords: flows, climate conditions, costa rica, grande san ramon, virilla.

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the article presents the findings of a study of the behavior of the flow rates of the sub-basins of the virilla and grande de san ramón rivers, in the basin of the grande de tárcoles river, costa rica. on the basis of a statistical analysis of the flow measurements of both sub-basins and of a correlation test, it was found that some geographical aspects (topographic irregularity, presence of passes between mountains, extension of the sub-basins, land use, and influence of diferent atmospheric circulation patterns) foster substantial diferences in the flow regime. prior to 1975, the grande de san ramón river showed a figure above the median and, later, a figure below the median, while after 1975, the flow rate of the virilla river sub-basin exceeded that of the grande de san ramón river.


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