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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Análisis del espacio y el transnacionalismo. Una visión desde la geografía: el caso Morelos (México)-Minnesota (EE. UU.)

Keywords: space, geography, international migration, spatial modifications, transnationalism.

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international migrations have been studied by various disciplines. in this context, one of the most recent contributions has been the analysis form the perspective of transnationalism, a discussion in which geography has made significant contributions. the paper seeks to highlight the importance of space from a geographic perspective, analyzing how it is modified by migration in the specific case of the morelos (mexico)-minnesota (usa) flows. the article begins by analyzing the geographic component of space and then goes on to explain how transnationalism is understood by some disciplines. finally, it discusses the relation between space and transnationalism on the basis of the above-mentioned case.


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