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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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A comunidade remanescente de quilombo do Engenho siqueira: territorialidade, identidade quilombola e potencialidade da agroecologia

Keywords: agroecology, rural gap, traditional knowledge, quilombolas, territoriality.

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the black rural community of the engenho siqueira sugar mill practices agricultural and fishing forms of production inherited from their ancestors. the article attempts to explain the cultural and technical compatibilities between current developed forms of production and agroecology. traditional agriculture, the main activity of this community, is one of the referents for the sustainable management of ecosystems in this coastal region. fourteen semi-structured interviews were carried out with farmers as well as with the oldest inhabitants of the sugar mill. according to results, this population doesn't evidence to keep a subaltern link with the sugar cane monoculture systems recently. this is observed in the wages paid for the factories and so in the local cane crops. finally, the study revealed that the agricultural and fishing practices developed in the quilombo community have a significant agroecological potential.


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