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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Diferenciación residencial de los aglomerados mayores de la región centro de argentina

Keywords: urban concentrations, argentina, residential differentiation, social status, urban structure, central region, suburbanization.

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research regarding to intra-urban heterogeneity has given rise to the study of factors which contributes with this phenomenon and to the analysis of urban structure. in that context, the article identifies and analyzes the spatial distribution of the common factors, underlying the socio-spatial differentiation of the largest urban concentrations in the central region of argentina, starting from demographic, economic, and social aspects. nineteen variables obtained through multivariate analysis techniques were used as a start point to identify four underlying factors for the residential differentiation of population residing in the urban centers. the article also analyzes the fit between the structure of those urban concentrations and latin american city models based on the spatial representation of the scores of those factors.


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