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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Subdivis?o domiciliar: a precariza??o do habitat urbano no complexo da Maré, rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Keywords: urban space, public policies, insecurity of urban housing, residential subdivision.

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in latin american countries, housing is an important issue when developing public policies aimed at improving quality of life in cities with large populations which live in unhealthy conditions, have little access to public services, and do not participate in inclusive social dynamics. as part of the brazilian metropolitan environment, carioca communes are spaces that undergo transformations. the article illustrates the dynamics of residential subdivision that takes place in some carioca communes as an expression of projects for survival in the metropolis, which, at the same time, promote real estate speculation and is causing significant damages in the entire urban environment.


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