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Investigation of the Micro-Mechanics of an Extruded Precipitation-Strengthened Magnesium Alloy under Cyclic Loading

DOI: 10.4236/msce.2024.127004, PP. 40-52

Keywords: Cyclic Deformation, Magnesium Alloy, In-Situ Neutron Diffraction, Precipitation Strengthening, Crystal Plasticity, Lattice Strain, Mechanism Evolution

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Precipitation strengthening is a crucial microscopic mechanism for enhancing the strength of magnesium alloys. In order to elucidate the influence of precipitation on the microscopic deformation mechanisms and macroscopic mechanical response of magnesium alloys under cyclic loading conditions, we employed a crystal plasticity model to analyze the stress-strain curves, specific crystal plane diffraction intensities, and the temporal evolution of various microscopic deformation mechanisms and twinning volume fractions for an extruded magnesium alloy, AXM10304, containing coherent precipitates. The research findings indicate that precipitation does not fundamentally alter the microscopic mechanisms of this alloy. However, it hinders twinning during the compression stage, mildly promotes detwinning during the tension stage, and enhances tension secondary hardening by elevating the difficulty of activation of the prismatic slip.


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