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Dynamic Modelling of a Hybrid Variable Reluctance Machine Using the 3D Finite Element Method

DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2024.167007, PP. 103-113

Keywords: Numerical Computing, Complex Dynamic, Flux Linkage, 3D Effects, Equilibrium Position

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This paper presents the work carried out to evaluate the dynamic performance of the Hybrid Variable Reluctance Motor (HVRM). The fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration algorithm was employed to solve the equations of the dynamic model, in conjunction with the three-dimensional finite element method. The 3D numerical data was calculated using Comsol Multiphysics, which accounts for the nonlinearity of the ferromagnetic material and the 3D nature of the HVRM. The outcomes of this study are precise and accurately predict the dynamic behaviour of the HVRM in terms of rotor position response, rotational speed and torque. The distinctive contribution of this work lies in the 3D numerical modelling of the HVRM and the subsequent evaluation and analysis of its dynamic operation. Analytical and numerical 2D studies are less resource-intensive and time-consuming, and are more straightforward and rapid to analyse and interpret. However, they are constrained in their capacity to examine spatial, volumetric interactions and intricate dynamics such as flux studies where three 3D effects cannot be disregarded, winding end effects and the configuration and positioning of the interposed permanent magnet.


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