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Depolarization Degree to Determine Dihedral Attribute of Radar Target

DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2024.166006, PP. 85-101

Keywords: Polarimetry, Radar Target Recognition, Time-Domain Analysis, Remote Sensing

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This paper investigates the ability of the depolarization degree, derived from the characteristic polarization states at the resonant frequency set, to identify corner or swept, i.e. dihedral, changes in same-class targets by a metallic wire example. A well-estimated depolarization degree requires a robust extraction of the fundamental target resonance set in two orthogonal sets of fully co-polarized and cross-polarized polarization channels, then finding the null polarization states using the Lagrangian method. Such depolarization degree per resonance mode has the potential to form a robust feature set because it is relatively less sensitive to onset ambiguity, invariant to rotation, and could create a compact, recognizable, and separable distribution in the proposed feature space. The study was limited to two targets with two swept changes of fifteen degrees within normal incidence; under a supervised learning approach, the results showed that the identification rate converging to upper-bound (100%) for a signal-to-noise ratio above 20 dB and lower-bound around (50%) below ?10 dB.


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