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Experimental Study of a Quadratic Boost: The Cascaded Connected Single Switch

DOI: 10.4236/sgre.2024.156009, PP. 139-148

Keywords: Voltage Gain Factor, Conversion Efficiency, Duty Cycle, Quadratic Boost

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The quadratic boost is studied under its real model. The equations, of the continuous conduction mode, descriptive of this model are established. From these equations, the expressions of the voltage gain and the efficiency are extracted. These two quantities are plotted as a function of the duty cycle in order to appreciate them in different operating points of the transistor. The values of the different components have also been extracted for the fabrication of a prototype of the converter. Thanks to a set of experimental measurements at the input as well as at the output of the prototype converter, the voltage gain and the efficiency could also be observed. These were also plotted for different loads to observe converter behavior. The theoretical curves were compared with the experimental curves which allowed to validate the proposed mathematical models on a large range of duty cycles.


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