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Post-Traumatic Palatine Odontogenic Abscess: About 2 Cases

DOI: 10.4236/ojst.2024.147027, PP. 336-340

Keywords: Abscess, Palate, Dental, Trauma

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Introduction: Palatal abscess or cellulitis of dental origin is a rare clinical form of circumscribed cellulitis that can sometimes pose a diagnostic problem. It is the consequence of poor or non-treatment of dental caries or trauma. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical and therapeutic aspects of these two cases of palatal cellulitis of post-traumatic dental origin. Observation: The patients consulted for painful palatal swelling secondary to untreated dental trauma of the 21s. The diagnosis of palatal cellulitis was based on the inflammatory and fluctuating nature of the swelling. A probabilistic bi-antibiotic treatment and an incision and drainage associated with treatment of the portal of entry were carried out. Progression was favourable in both cases. Conclusion: Palatal cellulitis is a rare condition and can be prevented by systematic stomatological consultation after dental trauma. Diagnosis is clinical. However, CT scans are sometimes useful. The course is generally favorable with appropriate treatment.


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